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Payment methods
During the checkout process, you will be asked to choose a payment method to finalize the purchase. Below are the payment methods available at Missangasandco.com:Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal.
All orders are placed in the official local currency of the respective country of purchase. Please note that if your bank account is in another currency, the exchange rate used to debit the account will be automatically determined by Bank / PayPal and not by Missangas & Co.
Additional Fees
Due to the different customs policies and import duties, it is not possible for the Missangas & Co. to anticipate the exact amount of the additional fees or costs that can be applied after the arrival of the order to the country of destination. In case of doubt, the local services of the country in question should be contacted prior to the purchase, for a more accurate knowledge of possible taxes and charges to be applied.
Order Tracking
It is always possible to track orders placed through “My Account” in the “Orders” section. If you are not registered, you can follow the order through the link indicated in the email received at the time the order is sent.
Country of Shopping & Shipping
The country of destination must always correspond to the country of purchase. Missangas & Co. reserves the right to cancel any order that does not comply with this policy.
Cancel an Order
An order can be canceled if your status is “Order Confirmed” or “Order in Process”. From the moment the order is shipped from our warehouse, it will be treated as a return. To verify this information, simply go to the “My Orders” section in the respective account. If you are not registered and if you encounter any problems within this scope, you can always contact us at support@missangasandco.com